Our Vision

To see Urban Lynchburg transformed by being reconciled to God and one another.

To help every person experience a thriving relationship with Christ by meeting them where they are.

Our Values

Heavenly Focused – The GOSPEL is the good news and is the epicenter of the Christian life for all disciples of Jesus. Creating heavenly focused followers of Jesus who have a Christian worldview is about the process of keeping the Gospel paramount to the life of the believer with the goal of every believer being Gospel fluent. This means they can verbalize the Gospel, they are born again by the Gospel and they participate in sharing the Gospel in a contextualized way to their community.

Cultured– Walking in biblical unity we exist to shatter any remaining embers of racism within our church through living out what it means to be an Ephesians 2, fellow citizen with one another because of the work of Christ. It is not enough to simply survive in a multiethnic church we are called to thrive in a multiethnic church because of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We talk about race, prejudice, bias and slavery. We must remember our past before God can heal our present.

Cultivators of Gospel Centered Community– The book of Acts chapter 2 records an amazing account of the New Testament church where verses 42-47 people are selling their possessions for the sake of the body of Christ and people daily are in the temple and in one another’s homes breaking bread together with glad and sincere hearts. People literally caring for one another. This picture of the family of God is a reality that we must understand as members of HC3.

Catalysts for Gospel Change– The life of a missionary is one of true boldness and risk. They leave their home country and venture into another in order to see people saved by the gospel. However, many times we fail to realize that we can also be used to reach the people right next to us. We tend to lose our sense of urgency within our own communities because of our kids, jobs, and our own need for rest. Ironically, it is within our own communities that we are to live as ambassadors for God.

Our Pastor

Pastor James Hobson & Sarah Hobson

As a family we have said yes to the call of full time ministry to the city of Lynchburg and we cannot wait to share with you how the Lord is using us to make a difference in this amazing city for His glory.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about who we are or what we believe, contact us below.

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